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Zō Centro Culture Contemporanee


Zō Centro Culture Contemporanee was established with the intention of promoting and disseminating contemporary languages in Sicily in a cultural context rich in potential, but with limited opportunities for individual and collective growth, given its geographical location and cultural policies.It therefore intends to turn one eyetowards the local community and one towards European cultural routes, to invest in emerging creativity, to provide new transversal skills and to implement cultural strategies that have a strong impact onthe territory and a concrete spin-off. Being aware of the difficulty of the objective, Zō Centro Culture Contemporanee implements constant actions in this direction, small, regular and determined contributions, in order to build a path accessible to others, create new competences, support the internationalisation of artists and ensure that each action has a follow-up and a real sustainability.With this idea in mind, Zō Centro Culture Contemporanee has therefore begun awork of valorisation of the material and immaterial heritage linked to industrial archaeology starting from the site of the former sulphur refinery that now operates asa multidisciplinary centre for live performing arts.Thanks to Zō Centro Culture Contemporanee's presence in the main European networks as well as its constant focus on transnational policies, the idea was able to find international partners who joined the project.


The course is aimed at local artists, in thelogic of training innovative skills that use contemporary artistic languages also in sectors that are not immediately performative, but also popular and touristic, to the extentof encroaching on spheres not alwaysinclined to use live disciplines as a meansof communication. In addition, the aim isto offer support for the self-promotionand entrepreneurship of individuals or collectives, as well as a concrete meansto land in European contexts, thus supporting the dissemination of artistic products and talents, making available the network of contacts that Zō Centro Culture Contemporanee has consolidated in its twenty years of experience thanks to its solid identity.With these premises, the Second Call "Cantieri in Movimento - Industrial Heritage Soundscapes" should be interpreted as an educational experience, a real opportunity for personal growth, acquisition of useful skills, and support for internationalisation.






Aline Clair Mara Angileri Mirko Puliatti


Antonella Amirante (CIE Anteprima, Lyon) Enrico Gambadoro (Ortigia Sound System, Syracuse)

Partners : CCO LA RAYONNE - Villeurbanne 


This project is based on the history of silk, its development over the years and its evolution from natural silk to artificial silk, La Rayonne. Today, La Rayonne is also the name of a cultural third place in Villeurbanne, near Lyon in France, where artificial silk was manufactured in the 20th century.

Weaving is a project in which we weave links between the past and the present on the history of fabric from yesterday to today, based on the site of La Rayonne in Villeurbanne. The aim is to draw a line between the concept of progress and that of overproduction.


Located to the east of Villeurbanne, France, in the Carré de Soie district, it is built on the remains of a working-class neighbourhood that is emblematic of the artificial silk industry, which was exploited

from the 1920s onwards. Among other things, the famous rayon, a viscose textile thread, was woven here. A major urban project, it includes 272 new homes and around ten different types of housing (emergency accommodation centre, parenting centre, intergenerational housing, etc.) to encourage people from all walks of life to come together. At the foot of the dwellings, facilities, shops and services have been designed to create a real neighbourhood life, with a public services centre, a community restaurant and, of course, La Rayonne, the cultural third place.


Weaving traces the history of the transition from silk to rayon production in the city of Lyon (FR). The viewer is accompanied from the origins of the product, along the silk route with a final focus on the city of Lyon. This is done through the symbolic image of the thread, a simple line, leading from the Far East to the place where, centuries later, silk production underwent a crisis and was replaced by the invention of a new product, Rayon, a thread of vegetable origin. Rayon is the founding element of performance.

Its invention brought about changes in the location of industrial and textile activity in the city. Its production attracted workers from all over Europe, who were housed in the only building still standing in Villeurbanne, a commune attached to Lyon. This is Autre Soie, an inclusive housing project located in the Carré de Soie district of eastern Lyon, the emblematic district of the artificial silk industry of the 1920s, and supported by the cultural association CCO La Rayonne. The creation of the multidisciplinary performance Weaving took place within these two buildings.

The performance gives a voice to the protagonists of this productive sector, at various times in history. The silkworm and its central value in the production of the canutes, the spinners of the Croix-Rousse district, the original centre of production in Lyon. Secondly, workers in the textile industry and in the production of thread and rayon fabrics. Finally, our society, that today is overwhelmed by the exaggerated results of industrialisation, and has produced an excessive amount of clothes and textiles, as well as other consumer items, to the point of not knowing how to dispose of them. This has created an environmental problem that we have to deal with.


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